CVCX Online Viewer

Fill in the fields and hit Calculate. Skip to the bottom of the page for definitions.

  Spread (Max units bet)
  Hand per Hour (fixed at 100 in free version)
  Percentage Risk of Ruin
  Penetration (cards cut off)
  Wong In/Out
  Bankroll in $
  Play Two Hands
  Simplify Bets
 CVCX User Password (Required for complete data)



  • Rules - You can select from nine rule sets. S17 stands for dealer stands on 17, DAS is double after split and LS is late surrender. The ninth set, H17 Double on 10 and 11 only, is Northern Nevada rules and only available for single deck. Note: If you call CVCX from CVData and Early Surrender vs. 10 is set, then the LS tables will use the Early Surrender rule instead.
  • Decks - Select 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 decks.
  • Shuffle Point - When a round starts with this many or fewer cards in the shoe, the shoe is shuffled.
  • Hands per Hour - Number of original hands.
  • Spread - The max bet divided by the min bet. $5 to $25 is a spread of 5.
  • Back-Counting - When this option is on, the true counts below the number set are not played.
  • Play Two Hands - Click to estimate the effect of playing two hands.
  • Bankroll - The size of your bankroll in dollars. S
  • Risk - Here you can specify the desired Risk of Ruin. Normally, this is set to 13.5, the risk associated with maximum bankroll growth.
  • Simplify - This use the CVCX 'Rational’ algorithm. The bet sizes are constructed to look more natural. That is, they do not leap too much from TC to TC and are made up of a reasonable number of chips.

Results Tables

  • Bet Average - Average initial bet in units. This is the bet before double downs, splits, surrender or insurance.
  • Win/Loss - Also called EV or IBA (Initial Bet Advantage.) This is the amount won or lost divided by the initial bet.Ø Standard Deviation - Provided by hand and hour and used for desirability and risk calculations.
  • Win Rates - Units and dollars won per hour.
  • Risk of Ruin - The chance that you will lose the bankroll that you have set at the top of the page.
  • DI - The desirability index developed by Don Schlesinger is a combination of win rate and standard deviation and is designed to rate the desirability of a situation. A higher DI is better.
  • C-SCORE - c-SCORE is a term coined by Richard Reid to indicate comparative SCORE and is calculated without the bankroll and risk requirements of Don Schlesinger’s SCORE. It can be used to compare two situations and is calculated by squaring the Desirability Index.
  • Certainty Equivalent - If you do not see this field, go to the Options tab and click on Customize Columns. CE is essentially the value of a wager.
  • CE/WR Ratio - This is the ratio of Certainty Equivalent and Win Rate. Ideally this is 0.5. If this is less than .5, then your risk of ruin is greater than you wish.
  • N0 - Another strategy scoring technique developed by Brett Harris. It is defined as "the number of rounds that must be played, with a fixed betting spread, such that the accumulated expectation equals the accumulated standard deviation. As such, it is a measure of how many rounds must be played to overcome a negative fluctuation of one standard deviation with such a fixed spread."
  • True Count Frequency - The percentage of hands at each True Count.
  • EV - The expected percentage won at each true count and the standard error. Also known as IBA.
  • Optimal Bet Exact - Here the ideal number of units to bet is calculated to maximize the desirability index.
  • Optimal Bet Chips - Set your Unit Size and Bet exactness at the top of the screen. Bet Exactness is the minimum increment in bet size. The bets that you should make at each TC are calculated here.

See Card Counting Strategy Comparison for a list of strategies.


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