Required Bankroll Given Goal and no Time Constraint
How much do you need to avoid bankruptcy? This is the formula on page 139
solved for bankroll. This is the same as the above calculator, except there
is no limit on the number of hands played.
End Result/Goal in units: This
is the number of units that you wish to finish with including the bankroll
that you started with.
Bankroll in units: The number
of units that you start with.
Win rate per 100 hands: The units
that you win over 100 hands. You can get this from the CVCX Online Main
Std. Dev. per 100 hands: You can
get this from the CVCX Online Main Viewer.
Hands: Total number of hands played.
Does not include skipped hands.
Probability of reaching goal:
The percentage of times that you will reach the specified goal at any
time under the requested conditions.